Sunday, November 24, 2013


The words that we speak are so powerful that there is need for a great and deep thought before talking. A person who says whatever he likes usually ends up hearing what he doesn't like. You have to be tactful. Tact consists of chosing one's words carefully and knowing how far to go. It also means knowing what to say and when to say it. Words reflects attitude. Words can hurt feelings and destroy relationships. More people have been hurt by an improper choice of words than by any natural disaster.

A story was told of a farmer who slandered his neighbour. When he realised his mistake, he went to the preacher to ask for forgiveness. The preacher told him to take a bag of feathers and drop them in the center of town. The farmer did as he was told. Then the preacher asked him to go and collect the feathers and put them in the bag. The farmer tried but couldn't as the feathers had all blown away. When he returned with the empty bag, the preacher said, ''The same thing is true about your words. You dropped them rather easily but you cannot retrieve them. You need to be very careful in choosing your words.''

It is wise to choose carefully what you say than to just say what you choose. Excessive talking does not mean communication. Words spoken out of bitterness can cause irreparable damage. You have to show consideration, courtesy and politeness in your words. Thoughtfulness shows a caring attitude.

Whosoever does not have control over his thoughts and words cannot control his life. Words are powerful. It takes the same efforts to speak right words and the same to speak wrong words. You only need to think deeply before opening your mouth. This determines to a large extent, your attitude and the course of your life. Choose your words wisely.
Changing the world through positive influence. Cheers.

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Throughout a lifetime, we often come in contact with thousands of people in varying levels of relatioships. Most have a very limited impact on us. But a few relationships have such a tremendous impact that they change the course of our lives. They are pivotal to who we are and what we do. Some relationships clearly make us better. They energize, inspire, and validate us. They lift us up and give us joy. We should consider the people in these relationships friends and value them highly.

There are a couple of ways to tell whether a relationship is positive or negative. The first is to note whether a person makes you feel better or worse about yourself. The second relates to how much energy the relationship requires. The truth is, some relationships feel as if they could suck the life out of you. Almost all our setbacks can be traced to relationships with the wrong people and our joys to relationships with the right people.

There is a choice you have to make in everything you do. It is the kind of friends you associate with in your endeavours. Nothing will influence you as much as the important relationships in your life. Surround yourself with people who add value to you and encourage you, and your life will greatly improve through their positive influence.

In choosing your friends, you must look out for some attributes. Good friends are those that believe in your dreams, share your joys, dry your tears, give you hope, comfort your hurts, listen to you, laugh with you, show you a better way, tell you the truth and finally encourage you in all circumstances. These are essential because positive relationships will take you to a higher level.
Changing the world through positive influence. Cheers.

Friday, November 22, 2013


American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne said,

  ''No man can for any considerable time wear one face to himself and 
   another to the multitude without finally getting bewildered as to which
   is the true one''

Self-esteem is the way we feel about ourselves. When we feel good within, our performances goes up and our relationships improve both at home and at work. The world looks nicer. The reason is that there is a correlation between our feeliings and behaviour. But to develop a positive self-esteem, you need to understand the kind of person you are and how to fit in.

When it comes to positive self-esteem, each of us must answer the critical question, ''Who am I?'' The answer to this provides the motivation to develop a positive self-esteem. It is fundamental for the identification of core values. And it helps to establish emotional security. Because, our sense of security - or lack of it - often drives what we do.

How do you identify yourself? Where does your personal value come from? What is your motivation as it relates to success and significance in life? The answers to these questions determine your attitude which will impact your self-esteem. No matter how hard you try, you cannot consistently behave in a way that is inconsistent with how you see yourself. Thus, a strong and accurate sense of identity is essential.

You must understand that nobody lives in isolation. What you do affects me and what I do affects you. We are connected. You must realise that we are sharing this planet and must learn to behave responsibly. So, sit down, look within and understand your kind of person. Then apply yourself to the positive ways of life. And begin to see yourself that way.
Changing the world through positive influence. Cheers.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Rudy Ruettiger said,

     ''If you really, really believe in your dream, you'll get there''

One thing is peculiar to everyone on the face of the earth. It is relevance. Everybody wants to be significant. They want to be voices to be reckoned with in the society. Even you, reading this article, must have stumbled on it as a result of your search for relevance. But relevance does not just drop on people, you don't just wake up one day and become significant in life. It is acquired by conscious determination and practical steps towards its achievement.

Like I said yesterday, positive attitude and right perspectives about life are essential ingredients to achieve whatever level of significance you want in life. What do you want to accomplish in your lifetime? How do you want to focus your energy: on survival, success, or significance? We live in a time and place with too many opportunities for survival alone. And there is more to life than mere success. You need to determine to be significant and relevant in life irrespective of your chosen career.

People will only asssociate with you and your success when you've made a positive impact in their lives. But before you can influence people positively, you must have influenced yourself personally. And this starts with a positive attitude about yourself. It is true that our attitude were developed during our formative years. And it is easier to acquire a positive attitude during our formative years. But, if you have acquired a negative attitude, whether by design or by default, you can change. Although not easy,  it's worth it.

It takes only determination to change to acceptable and right attitudes about life. You need to focus on the positive in your life. Start looking for what is right in a person or situation instead of looking for what is wrong. Be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet. Make all your friends feel that you appreciate their good qualities and strength. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best.

You only need to determine to change and gradually you'll begin to see positive changes in your life. Spend so much time improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Be too big for worry and too noble for anger.
Changing the world through positive influence. Cheers.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


You must have heard people say words like ''that's my kind of person'' or '' it's become a habit with me.'' Even when everybody condemns what they do. Sometimes they admit that it's a negative habit but just can't change. Some have even given up on trying to change. Since they've tried all methods they know to change and there seems to be no difference. They just accept it as part of their cross to bear.

The truth is that human nature generally resists change. Change is uncomfortable. Regardless of its positive or negative effect, change can often be stressful. Sometimes we get so comfortable with our negativity that even when the change is for the better, we don't want to accept it. We stay with the negative.

A story was told of a prisoner who was locked up for many years in a dungeon. After serving his sentence, he got his freedom. He was brought out from his cell into the bright daylight of the open world. This man looked all around and after a few moments was so uncomfortable with his newly acquired freedom that he asked to be taken back to the confines of his cell. To him, the dungeon, the chains and the darkness were more familiar, secure and comfortable than accepting the change of freedom and an open world.

The importance of a positive attitude cannot be overemphasized. As it is known that the foundation for success is a positive attitude. Everyone must make it a point of duty to change to a positive attitude. It is a necessary ingredient for life. Life is best lived with a right attitude about everything that goes on in it.

In the next couple of days, we shall be looking at steps required to develop a positive attitude about life. I can assure you that working to build a positive attitude will be worth enduring the temporary stress.
Changing the world through positive influence. Cheers.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


There is no doubt that some people are talented. They are so blessed with certain attributes that always place them ahead of others anytime. The truth is that talent is given and is one of life's greatest gifts. But there is need for talent to be supported with right attitude for it to be fully maximised.

Talent will give you success at anytime and take you to any level in life but this success will only last long if based on good attitude about life. One of the paradoxes of life is that the things that initially make you successful are rarely the things that keep you successful. This is the reason why J. Konrad Hole said,

    ''If you cannot be teachable, having talent won't help you.
     If you cannot be flexible, having a goal won't help you.
     If you cannot be grateful, having abundance won't help you.
     If you cannot be mentorable, having a future won't help you.
     If you cannot be durable, having a plan won't help you.
     If you cannot be reachable, having success won't help you.''

Talented people are often a gift to the world, right attitude and sound character protect that gift. If you want talent to take you far, you need to protect that talent with positive attitude. The key choices you make, apart from natural talent you already have, will set you apart from others who have talent alone. Talent will always open doors of opportunity but wrong choices will shut the door.

It is true that talent is given but success must be earned. And there is need for right attittude, sound character, key choices, integrity and hardwork to be added for that success to be maintained and sustained. Always remember that,

    ''The toughest thing about success is that you've got to keep on being
     a success. Talent is only a starting point in life. You've got to keep
     working that talent.''
                                                                                           Irving Berlin.

Changing the world through positive influence. Cheers.

Monday, November 18, 2013


When things happen, we react differently. Our responses are not the same to the same event. The reason for this is simple, our attitude - perceptions, dispositions and feelings - toward every occurrence are different from that of another person. We were brought up in different homes, environments and with different experiences. Most of our attitudes were shaped during our formative years. And we became what we are today based on what was built into us.

There are three factors that largely determine our attitude formation. These are education, environment and experiences.

Education is one of the greatest instruments that determine our attitudes. It can be formal or informal. It teaches us not only how to make a living but also how to live. Education takes many forms, it is not just grades or degrees. It is cultivating your strength, learning self-discipline, listening and eagerness to learn. Everybody reacts to events based on his level of education. True education is training of both the head and the heart.

Our environments take many forms. It may be home, school, social environment, traditions and beliefs, cultural and political environments. All these play a major role in determining the kind of person we'll become because all these environments create a culture. You go to a home and find the parents and children well-behaved, courteous and considerate. You go to another home where everyone lives like a stranger. It is hard to find positive attitude in a negative environment. Take some time to evaluate how the environment that you are in affects you, and the one you create affect others.

The experiences we've had are also important in shaping our attitudes. Our behaviour changes according to our experiences with various people. If we have a positive experience with a person, our attitude towards him is likely to be positive. Experiences and events become the reference points in our lives, we draw conclusions which serve as guidelines for the future.

The truth is that what really becomes of us is based on the factors above. Our attitude is shapened by our education, what happens in our environments, and the experiences we have had with other people.
Changing the world through positive influence. Cheers.

Friday, November 15, 2013


Popular writer and author, Norman Vincent Peale said,

   ''Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude towards it,
    for that determines our success or failure''

Sometimes you wonder why some people fail in the same business that others succeed in. And they still give you excuses for failure while others are succeeding. Life is full of twists and turns and our attitude determines how we react to events. Positive attitude is the foundation for success. This is the reason why people that are positive in their attitude are always successful.

Great people are not measured by financial and material assets only but also by their feelings, attitudes and relationships. If your attitude is negative, your life is restricted. Your success at work will be limited. You will have fewer friends. Your enjoyment of life will be less. The reason for this is that negative attitude comes with an atmosphere of impossibilities.

Let me share a famous life history with you. There was a man who failed in business at the age of 21; was defeated in a legislative race at age 22; failed again in business at the age of 24; his sweetheart died when he was age 26; had a nervous breakdown at age 27; lost a congressional race at age 49; and was elected president of the United States at age 52. This man was Abraham Lincoln.

This man had a handfull of setbacks and disappointments but refused to give up. He could have quit, hung his head in shame, and gone back to his law practice. But to Lincoln, defeat was a detour, not a dead end. His positive attitude towards life kept him in the face of trials and he was regarded as one of the best presidents of the United States. You want to be successful in life? Then embrace positive attitude, its the foundation required.

Changing the world through positive influence. Cheers.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


According to an English dictionary, attitude is defined as the person's disposition or state of mind towards an event. It is regarded as the most important word in English language. It applies to every sphere of life, including one's personal and professional life. People with the right attitude towards life are always successful no matter the number of times they have failed before. The truth is, the foundation of success, regardless of one's chosen career, is attitude.

A study attributed to Harvard University found that when a person gets a job or a promotion, 85% of the time it is because of his attitude, and only 15% of the time because of intelligence and knowledge of specific facts and figures. And this is the most important factor that determines whether the person will be successful in the job or not.

This is the same as positive influence. Your attitude determines your influence. If truly you want to have positive influence on people around you, then you must learn to develop right attitude about life. It is a decision you must make personally. It determines how far you can go in life.

How do you react when things happen around you? Are your reactions positive or negative? How do you view yourself among your mates and friends? Do you have any belief in your ability? Have you ever thought you could be better than the way you are now? Someone once approached Blaise Pascal, the famous French philosopher, and said, ''If I have your brains, I would be a better person,'' Pascal replied, ''Be a better person and you will have my brains.''

When people say ''I can't do it,'' there can be two possible meanings. Either they are saying they don't know how to do it, which is a technical training issue, or they don't believe in their ability to do it, which is an attitude issue. If you want to be a positive influence in your society and you want your influence to be longer lasting, then right attitude about yourself is the key. Positive influence is an attitude.

Changing the world through positive influence. Cheers.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


One thing is peculiar to every human being on the face of the earth. This is what gives so many people sleepless night. It is this same thing that makes some other people go the extra mile of working extra hours when the other staff have closed. And it is the singular factor that distinguishes one person from the other. It is called relevance. Everybody wants to be relevant in whatever field he/she has chosen and ultimately in life.

But the bitter truth is that only very few people understand the path to relevance. No wonder only a small percentage are truly relevant. But the big question is this, why a small percentage, despite the efforts and struggles of the very many? The simple answer to the question is this,

             ''only positive influence leads to relevance''.

Being relevant in life starts with you being a positive influencer. And this influence must start with you. You have to be a model of whatsoever you want to see in others. Your influence must be reflected in your lifestyle before others can imitate you. Everything you do, your words, actions, lifestyles, and relationships with others must manifest positive influence. Whatsoever values you want others to emulate in you must first be seen in you. People are greatly influenced by what they see.

If you have children, then you must have observed this. No matter what you tell your children to do, their natural inclination is to follow what they see you doing. For most people, if they perceive that you are positive and trustworthy, and have admirable qualities, then they will seek you as an influencer in their lives.

Our world must change for the better and this must start with you. Remember,

      ''A life isn't significant except for its impact on other lives''  -  Jackie Robinson.

Changing the world through positive influence. Cheers.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Every time people talk about one person's influence on other people, they always fail to realise the importance of the person's influence on himself. As you cannot give what you don't have, the level of influence you have on yourself will deterrmine how easy it is to influence others. Positive influence is a two-way thing - influence on oneself and influence on others. Whatsoever you cannot make yourself do will be difficult to make others do. People are first influenced by what they see.

A story was told of a man who made his living by selling balloons at a fair. He had balloons of many different colours, including red, green, blue, and yellow. Whenever business was slow, he would release a helium-filled balloon into the air. When the children saw the balloon go up, they all wanted one. They would come up to him, buy a balloon and his sales would go up. All day, he continued to release a balloon whenever the sales slowed down. One day, the balloon man felt someone tugging at his jacket. He turned around and a little boy asked, ''If you release a black balloon, would that also fly?" Moved by the boy's concern, the man replied gently, ''Son, it is not the colour of the balloon, it is what is inside that makes it go up.''

The truth is that you can only give what you have. It is only the values you've built into yourself that will easily flow to other people. People will only be influenced by what has influenced you positively. If our world must change for the better, it must be from individuals. By influencing yourself with the right attitudes and beliefs, people will naturally be influenced by you.

In the next couple of weeks, we shall be looking at how you can influence your own self positively. Our world must change for the better and this must be through positive influence. Changing the world through positive influence. Cheers.

Monday, November 11, 2013


American poet-philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson said,

     "Every man is a hero and an oracle to somebody, and to that person,
        whatever he says has an enhanced value"

It is true that everyone has influence on at least one more person and whatever he does makes him a model to the admirers. The question of whether the influence is positive or negative is a topic for another day. It doesn't matter who you are or what your occupation is, if your life in any way connects with other people, you are an influencer.

A politician, such as the President of a country, has a lot of influence on hundreds of millions of people, not only in his country but also around the world. A popular singer or a prolific writer has tremendous influence on his fans and he often influences an entire generation of people in one or more cultures and religions. So, the importance of positive influences cannot be over emphasized.

Anytime you get involved in any form of activity with another person, always be conscious of your attitude. Whatever impression your attitude leaves with that person will have a lot of influence on him. And that may be his standard of judging you in future  encounters. No matter what your goals are in life or what you want to accomplish, you can achieve them faster, you can be more effective, and your contribution can be longer lasting only through positive influences.

Like I said in my last article, our world must change for the better and this must be through positive influences. This must start with you. It is a common saying that when you change a man, you change the world.

Positive influences are essential ingredients for any nation to grow. With it the world will be a better place for all to live in. And this platform is created for this purpose. The whole world must change through positive influences on the people. Always remember,

          ''without influence, there is no success.''

Changing the world through positive influences. Cheers.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Have you ever asked yourself why the whole world is becoming dangerous to live in. Day in day out, you hear stories of bombings, killings and various attacks. Sometimes, you wonder if the same blood flows in our veins considering the cruelty and wickedness in the heart of men. You ask yourself if our attitude can ever produce any positive influence on the upcoming generation.

The truth is that right attitude and norms are difficult to come by, and even our leaders, that we look up to, have produced less of a positive influence on us through their attitude and approaches to life. So many of us are not even sure of where we are standing when it comes to trust, integrity and good manners. No wonder a wise man said,

   "politeness has become so rare that some people mistake it for flirtation"

Our world need to change for the better and this must start with individuals through positive influences.

This blog is created for the sole purpose of changing the world through positive influences. And this must start with you. We believe that if the world must change we must change first.

When you were still very young, what did you want to become when you grew up? A medical doctor? A popular singer? Maybe you wanted to be a seasoned politician or a motivational speaker. You might have thought of becoming the President of your country. Or even a famous footballer. Maybe the richest man on earth. The truth is that we all have dreams and ambitions. Maybe you have accomplished some of your dreams, but no matter how successful you are now, you still have dreams and aspirations that are waiting to be fulfilled. And it is our desire to help you realise your dreams through positive influences.

This is a cause that must be accomplished and we believe with you, we'll definitely get there. Our world must change through positive influences.