Tuesday, November 19, 2013


There is no doubt that some people are talented. They are so blessed with certain attributes that always place them ahead of others anytime. The truth is that talent is given and is one of life's greatest gifts. But there is need for talent to be supported with right attitude for it to be fully maximised.

Talent will give you success at anytime and take you to any level in life but this success will only last long if based on good attitude about life. One of the paradoxes of life is that the things that initially make you successful are rarely the things that keep you successful. This is the reason why J. Konrad Hole said,

    ''If you cannot be teachable, having talent won't help you.
     If you cannot be flexible, having a goal won't help you.
     If you cannot be grateful, having abundance won't help you.
     If you cannot be mentorable, having a future won't help you.
     If you cannot be durable, having a plan won't help you.
     If you cannot be reachable, having success won't help you.''

Talented people are often a gift to the world, right attitude and sound character protect that gift. If you want talent to take you far, you need to protect that talent with positive attitude. The key choices you make, apart from natural talent you already have, will set you apart from others who have talent alone. Talent will always open doors of opportunity but wrong choices will shut the door.

It is true that talent is given but success must be earned. And there is need for right attittude, sound character, key choices, integrity and hardwork to be added for that success to be maintained and sustained. Always remember that,

    ''The toughest thing about success is that you've got to keep on being
     a success. Talent is only a starting point in life. You've got to keep
     working that talent.''
                                                                                           Irving Berlin.

Changing the world through positive influence. Cheers.

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