Wednesday, November 13, 2013


One thing is peculiar to every human being on the face of the earth. This is what gives so many people sleepless night. It is this same thing that makes some other people go the extra mile of working extra hours when the other staff have closed. And it is the singular factor that distinguishes one person from the other. It is called relevance. Everybody wants to be relevant in whatever field he/she has chosen and ultimately in life.

But the bitter truth is that only very few people understand the path to relevance. No wonder only a small percentage are truly relevant. But the big question is this, why a small percentage, despite the efforts and struggles of the very many? The simple answer to the question is this,

             ''only positive influence leads to relevance''.

Being relevant in life starts with you being a positive influencer. And this influence must start with you. You have to be a model of whatsoever you want to see in others. Your influence must be reflected in your lifestyle before others can imitate you. Everything you do, your words, actions, lifestyles, and relationships with others must manifest positive influence. Whatsoever values you want others to emulate in you must first be seen in you. People are greatly influenced by what they see.

If you have children, then you must have observed this. No matter what you tell your children to do, their natural inclination is to follow what they see you doing. For most people, if they perceive that you are positive and trustworthy, and have admirable qualities, then they will seek you as an influencer in their lives.

Our world must change for the better and this must start with you. Remember,

      ''A life isn't significant except for its impact on other lives''  -  Jackie Robinson.

Changing the world through positive influence. Cheers.

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