Thursday, November 14, 2013


According to an English dictionary, attitude is defined as the person's disposition or state of mind towards an event. It is regarded as the most important word in English language. It applies to every sphere of life, including one's personal and professional life. People with the right attitude towards life are always successful no matter the number of times they have failed before. The truth is, the foundation of success, regardless of one's chosen career, is attitude.

A study attributed to Harvard University found that when a person gets a job or a promotion, 85% of the time it is because of his attitude, and only 15% of the time because of intelligence and knowledge of specific facts and figures. And this is the most important factor that determines whether the person will be successful in the job or not.

This is the same as positive influence. Your attitude determines your influence. If truly you want to have positive influence on people around you, then you must learn to develop right attitude about life. It is a decision you must make personally. It determines how far you can go in life.

How do you react when things happen around you? Are your reactions positive or negative? How do you view yourself among your mates and friends? Do you have any belief in your ability? Have you ever thought you could be better than the way you are now? Someone once approached Blaise Pascal, the famous French philosopher, and said, ''If I have your brains, I would be a better person,'' Pascal replied, ''Be a better person and you will have my brains.''

When people say ''I can't do it,'' there can be two possible meanings. Either they are saying they don't know how to do it, which is a technical training issue, or they don't believe in their ability to do it, which is an attitude issue. If you want to be a positive influence in your society and you want your influence to be longer lasting, then right attitude about yourself is the key. Positive influence is an attitude.

Changing the world through positive influence. Cheers.


Unknown said...

Infact attitude is †ђξ only world dat has 100% word formation and to add right to it, making it right attiude call for total dedication of oneself

Grace Joseph said...

Our attitude can make achieve us alot. Really liked the part 'be a better person and you'll have my brains'. Nice post, a positive attitude no matter the circumstance.

otubogun emex em said...

What more can a man do to make it in life than to read articles like this every single day to encourage him do more than what he is doing presently.....tomb up

Unknown said...

when u add all the letters of attitude in respect to their numerical position,u get a perfect result.,its 100% of everything we do...lets watch it